Down Payment Assistance Program

Homeownership is one of the most important choices a family will make. Everybody deserves to be a home owner, regardless of your background.  Dream House Foundation wanted to give families a real chance, to be a home owner. Families now have the opportunity to maximize affordable housing by empowering  themselves, raising their standards and creating an enviroment that is conducive to our family goals. Dream House Foundation DPA program, brings hope to communities, that are looking to acheive the American dream.

Dream House Foundation wants to be an advocate to strengthen the economic ladder, by building financial stability through homeownership. Dream House Foundation provides down payments assistance, to enhance and to create a real opportunity to buy a home.

Program Highlights

  • No silent second mortgage/or second mortgage
  • Refinance after 6 months ok
  • Increased in income limits to 140% of the area median income
  • Nationwide Program
  • Easy approval process
  • Not limited to first-time home buyers
  • True Grant 3.5%/No Repayment/No Recapture
  • 55% DTI or DU Approval from the Participating Lender
  • Can use Grant for the Down Payment and/or Closing Cost
  • No liens on title
  • Borrower must be approved by the participating lender guidelines/overlays and credit score.